Partner offerings

Share your own related niche product or service and offer it here as a partner1.

Moody Carbineer

These yachts are classic robust blue water cruising designs. The Carbineer on offer has great proven autonomy of over 20 day passages possible with plenty of storage. Our vessel has 1000 l water tank capacity, 800l of diesel, over 600 w solar power, 220 power, fast internet, air-conditioning, 3 cabins sleeping up to 7 people, inside helm station dog house of Burmese teak. With 120hp ford, she is an Indian ocean work horse.2

$270 / day inclusive coaching and rent to buy possibilities.

Project management service, Vessel/land project support

The dialectic to choose, locate and buy your yacht or property, requires you strategize a process with high stakes if things go wrong3, we can help with your project.


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  1. A 12% partner commission goes back to bolster the cause. ↩︎
  2. Familiarization/planning is critical. It is prerequisite to enrol in some coaching before engaging in the partner offering. ↩︎
  3. This necessitates linking with key people on site you would consider partners; people with proven generosity and good intent which abound in the region. We flagging our intent for Ad-Venture capital project Indian Ocean region, if they ping with our experience and contacts in the region. Our focus is not so much in measures, quantities, return on investment. Rather our criteria is more in possible partnering synergies – project heart – the artistic, the raw functional resource optimizations and the emergent. ↩︎


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